Designing the Dining Experience

Showcasing the research, findings, user-studies, interactive prototypes and wireframes of this UI/UX Design Research Project.

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UI / UX Studies are common. But most are broad, none focus on the dining experience.

It is common to find UI / UX studies and research conducted on a level of the design of mobile apps, web portals, and more. But what makes this project differ is its focus on designing the dining experience, where the aspects of discovering new restaurants, cafes, and organising a potential meetup with friends is looked into and analysed on a detailed level.

The big question : Does the problem we are trying to solve even exist?

With 58% of 50 respondents surveyed (link) indicating a very significant value-add to their lives after learning about our design focus-area, it is difficult to ignore the importance of focusing on this seemingly insignificant area of design.

Not just another generic UI / UX Study.

This focus gives this project a differentiating factor, as we carefully analyze existing and new UI / UX Design principles, conduct new user studies to substantiate UI / UX design decisions catered them towards a specific goal - designing an application used for the discovery of restaurants and the planning of a dining event.

View. Analyze. Play.

Every design decision was made in the perspective of designing a dining application, where a potential user's psychology and intuition is placed at a priority. We got their responses and opinions, and these statistics are available for your analysis. Also,take the time to play with the interactive prototypes embedded in this site, to feel the design for yourself.


A collaboration with CrayonData

An NUS Undergraduate Project